Four Partners to Work with IGES, ERIA on Applying Behavioural Insights to Reduce Plastic Consumption and Waste

29 Dec 2022

26 December 2022: The Institute for Global Environment Strategies (IGES), a non-profit policy research institute in Japan, launched a project to test the effectiveness of behavioural insights in reducing the use and waste of single-use plastics in cities and communities. The project is funded by and conducted in close collaboration with the Regional Knowledge Centre for Marine Plastic Debris of the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).

The project plans to develop practical knowledge on applying behavioural insights in concrete settings and provide an easy-to-use toolkit for local governments, businesses, and schools.

In line with this goal, ERIA and IGES called for implementing partners from Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam. In collaboration with IGES, selected partners will plan, implement, and monitor pilot projects to test the effectiveness of interventions informed by behavioural insights to reduce single-use plastic waste.

From 2 to 31 November 2022, the project received 44 proposals. An evaluation committee composed of six experts from IGES and ERIA reviewed all the applications based on a clear description of the context (settings and target), behavioural insights to be tested, and monitoring methods.

Following a rigorous screening process, the following were selected: Chula Unisearch, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand; Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Indonesia; Southern Institute of Ecology, Viet Nam; and Task Force on Environmental Sustainability, University of the Philippines Diliman, the Philippines.

The four partners will work with IGES to develop detailed implementation and monitoring plans from January to August 2023. The lessons learnt from the four pilot projects will then be summarised into a guidance toolkit that can be used to apply behavioural insights to reduce plastic consumption in Asian cities and communities. The toolkit is scheduled to be launched in late 2023.

Communications Desk
Communications Desk

The Knowledge Centre

26 December 2022: The Institute for Global Environment Strategies (IGES), a non-profit policy research institute in Japan, launched a project to test the effectiveness of behavioural insights in reducing the use and waste of single-use plastics in cities and communities. The project is funded by and conducted in close collaboration with the Regional Knowledge Centre for Marine Plastic Debris of the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).

The project plans to develop practical knowledge on applying behavioural insights in concrete settings and provide an easy-to-use toolkit for local governments, businesses, and schools.

In line with this goal, ERIA and IGES called for implementing partners from Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam. In collaboration with IGES, selected partners will plan, implement, and monitor pilot projects to test the effectiveness of interventions informed by behavioural insights to reduce single-use plastic waste.

From 2 to 31 November 2022, the project received 44 proposals. An evaluation committee composed of six experts from IGES and ERIA reviewed all the applications based on a clear description of the context (settings and target), behavioural insights to be tested, and monitoring methods.

Following a rigorous screening process, the following were selected: Chula Unisearch, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand; Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Indonesia; Southern Institute of Ecology, Viet Nam; and Task Force on Environmental Sustainability, University of the Philippines Diliman, the Philippines.

The four partners will work with IGES to develop detailed implementation and monitoring plans from January to August 2023. The lessons learnt from the four pilot projects will then be summarised into a guidance toolkit that can be used to apply behavioural insights to reduce plastic consumption in Asian cities and communities. The toolkit is scheduled to be launched in late 2023.

Communications Desk
Communications Desk

The Knowledge Centre


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