As a GIZ 3RproMar knowledge partner, we enhance knowledge dissemination to support regional marine litter prevention initiatives.


Dec 2022 - Apr 2025

As a GIZ 3RproMar knowledge partner, we enhance knowledge dissemination to support regional marine litter prevention initiatives.

Teaming up with JANUS, we are assessing floating and drifted plastic waste in mangroves in Indonesia, as well as its its impact on the ecosystem.


Dec 2022 - Mar 2025

Teaming up with JANUS, we are assessing floating and drifted plastic waste in mangroves in Indonesia, as well as its its impact on the ecosystem.

Jun 2023 - Dec 2024

ASEAN+3 Plastics Outlook

Teaming up with the OECD and IGES, we are poised to develop and publish the ASEAN+3 Plastics Outlook, expected to be released by the end of 2024.


Jun 2023 - Dec 2024

Teaming up with the OECD and IGES, we are poised to develop and publish the ASEAN+3 Plastics Outlook, expected to be released by the end of 2024.

Teaming up with a consultant, we are working to develop indicators to assess the impact of plastic pollution on the marine ecosystem in the ASEAN region.


May 2023 - Mar 2024

Teaming up with a consultant, we are working to develop indicators to assess the impact of plastic pollution on the marine ecosystem in the ASEAN region.

In partnership with IGES, we map the regional marine plastic knowledge landscape and develop a roadmap for the SEA-MaP’s Knowledge and Partnerships Platform project.


Aug 2023 - Feb 2024

In partnership with IGES, we map the regional marine plastic knowledge landscape and develop a roadmap for the SEA-MaP’s Knowledge and Partnerships Platform project.

Collaborating with IGES, we support the implementation of a pilot project applying behavioural insights to reduce plastic waste in four ASEAN countries.


Sep 2022 - Dec 2023

Collaborating with IGES, we support the implementation of a pilot project applying behavioural insights to reduce plastic waste in four ASEAN countries.

RRC.AP of AIT and ERIA's Knowledge Centre developed and disseminated technical guidelines for plastics and resin pellets leakage prevention from factories and the informal recycling sector in ASEAN cities.


Feb 2022 - Oct 2023

RRC.AP of AIT and ERIA's Knowledge Centre developed and disseminated technical guidelines for plastics and resin pellets leakage prevention from factories and the informal recycling sector in ASEAN cities.

We supported IGES in assessing the availability of local and national data used for Material Flow Analysis (MFAs) in ASEAN Member States.


Nov 2020 - Jul 2023

We supported IGES in assessing the availability of local and national data used for Material Flow Analysis (MFAs) in ASEAN Member States.

Partnering with IDEA consultant, we conducted training to deepen understanding on mangrove protection and sustainable management.


Jan 2023 - Jan 2023

Partnering with IDEA consultant, we conducted training to deepen understanding on mangrove protection and sustainable management.

In collaboration with CIL of the NUS, we developed a dynamic and searchable research catalogue on marine plastic debris issues in ASEAN+3 called Research Expertise Catalogue.


Jun 2022 - Nov 2022

In collaboration with CIL of the NUS, we developed a dynamic and searchable research catalogue on marine plastic debris issues in ASEAN+3 called Research Expertise Catalogue.