Local Regulations

In 2013, the People’s Committee of Hanoi City issued Regulations on Regular Solid Waste Management in Hanoi City Area No. 16/2013/QD-UBND. Solid waste management aims to reduce environmental and health impacts (Article 3). The Department of Construction and the Department of Natural Resources and Environment under the City People’s Committee are responsible for solid waste management. Dumping solid waste on sidewalks and roads and into drainage systems, rivers, lakes, parks, flower gardens, dike systems, and public areas is highly restricted. As inorganic daily-life solid waste, plastics should be collected, transported in a specific approved vehicle, and treated properly (Article 11).

Similar regulations were issued by other local governments.

People’s Committee of Hanoi City (2013), Regulations of Regular Solid Waste Management in Hanoi City Areahttps://thuvienphapluat.vn/van-ban/tai-nguyen-moi-truong/Quyet-dinh-16-2013-QD-UBND-Quy-dinh-quan-ly-chat-thai-ran-thong-thuong-Ha-Noi-196423.aspx (accessed 3 October 2019).

Local Regulations

In 2013, the People’s Committee of Hanoi City issued Regulations on Regular Solid Waste Management in Hanoi City Area No. 16/2013/QD-UBND. Solid waste management aims to reduce environmental and health impacts (Article 3). The Department of Construction and the Department of Natural Resources and Environment under the City People’s Committee are responsible for solid waste management. Dumping solid waste on sidewalks and roads and into drainage systems, rivers, lakes, parks, flower gardens, dike systems, and public areas is highly restricted. As inorganic daily-life solid waste, plastics should be collected, transported in a specific approved vehicle, and treated properly (Article 11).

Similar regulations were issued by other local governments.

People’s Committee of Hanoi City (2013), Regulations of Regular Solid Waste Management in Hanoi City Areahttps://thuvienphapluat.vn/van-ban/tai-nguyen-moi-truong/Quyet-dinh-16-2013-QD-UBND-Quy-dinh-quan-ly-chat-thai-ran-thong-thuong-Ha-Noi-196423.aspx (accessed 3 October 2019).